Pemba - Mozambique

Publisher Information

Under the Act of 1 August 2000, we inform you that:
- This Internet service is edited by Ulala Lodge, with headquarters located at Nossa Baia Lda, Rua Das Forcas, Pemba - Cabo Delgado - Mozambique.

- The director of publication of this internet service is Mr. George Korb.
- The head of the drafting of this Internet service is the company Web Dynamics.
- This Internet service is hosted by Online, Limited Company, whose head office is located 140 Quai Sartel, 59000 Roubaix.

Law and freedoms

According to the Law on Informatics and Liberties of January 6, 1978, we inform you that the data you communicate by e-mail will be kept only during your stay, they will not be disclosed to third will not be used for purposes of canvassing.

You have a right to inspect, modify and delete your personal information. To use this right, send us an e-mail by clicking here.